Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Chronic Kidney Disease, Data from MIKD



Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a leaping up public health matter. It has an augmented effect on cardiovascular diseases and affects every system in body. In developed countries the extent of prevalence is available due to renal registries. In middle or low socio economic countries the proportion of this evolving health issue is not known. CKD is rising and a major contributor is soaring number of diabetes mellitus worldwide. Other significant addition in this cohort of CKD is by rising numbers of obese and hypertensive patients. In order to curtail this rising health matter immediate and intense measures both at preventive and curative levels are required.

Aim: Due to lack of formal renal registry we wanted to see spectrum of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in our catchment area and at what CKD stage they present to tertiary care hospital.

Methods: All patients who presented to Emergency department of Multan Institute of kidney disease from 01 Sep 2017 till Sep 2019 data were evaluated. Record of Emergency department patients were taken from electronic system of our hospital. Some patients had multiple visits and we took first visits kidney function in our analysis. eGFR was calculated from serum creatinine with help of CKD-EPI equation.

Results: Total 4303 patients were included in study. Males were 60% and females 40%. Age range from 13 years to 96 year old. 945 patients were excluded as they were not falling in chronic kidney disease category. Remaining 3358 patients had chronic kidney disease. Sub-analysis according to CKD stage showed 66.17% patients presented at CKD stage V.

Conclusion: Kidney disease is rising globally. Countries where renal registries are established provide incidence of chronic kidney disease ranging from 10 to 15%. Still a lot of countries worldwide do not have established system of data collection so true incidence is not established. Our work is first of its kind reported from this area. Drastic preventive strategies are need of time from health budget planners.

Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/urology-nephrology-journal/fulltext/chronic-kidney-disease-data-from-mikd.ID.000156.php

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